18 Apr, 2024

Enjoy your weekend with a lion dance

Lion dance is the traditional dance performed in Chinese during festivals and in big occasions. It is mainly performed during the Chinese New Year and during mid autumn festival for good luck, prosperity as the lion is considered as auspicious animal as per Chinese traditions.

Normally, it is performed for martial art schools or lion dance troupes. There are lots of traditional lion dance troupes which performs during these festivities. Apart from the above given festivities, Singapore LED Lion Dance troupes perform for public during the functions organized by the event management companies or during private functions also.

Different type of Lion dance

There are lots of varieties of lion dance available. Normally, lion dance is performed by two dances, one in front head and limbs and the other one in the back and hind legs. The performers become the body of the lion. Normally, the performer’s legs are dressed in the same color as lion’s body and some time it extends to the shoes also.  It is performed in order to scare away all the evil spirits and bring good luck to the audience and clients. Traditionally, it was performed only by the Chinese martial art schools. But over the years it has changed and now there are lots of troupes which perform lion dance. They have brought in lot of changes with the help of technology but the core of the dance remains the same. Also, over the years, it was a male only dance but that also changed in recent times, with the ladies also began to be the part of the troupe that performs the lion dance.

There are two varieties of lion dance performed traditionally. One is northern lion and southern lion. But southern lion form is the most commonly used form of the lion. Lots of people get confused between the lion dance and dragon dance. Lion dance is done by the people who wear the lion costume but dragon dance is performed by more people and they don’t wear the dragon costume. You can arrange the lion dance for the house warming ceremony, birthday parties or office parties during year end or during office annual celebrations. If it is not during the year period, then you can book just 2 weeks before the function or the date in which you want to perform and if it is during the Chinese year, you need to book well before a month to get the date confirmed.

2 mins read

Qualities That Make Widmer Umzuege the Best for Moving

You will find Widmer umzuege to be one of the best service providers when you are looking for a reliable moving company in Bern. They equally cover all parts of Switzerland so that you can move your belongings to and from any part of the country using their top-class moving service. The company can also move all kinds of items, be it boxes, tools, clothes, furniture, equipment and any other item you may want to move.  In this write-up, some of the features that set them apart will be discussed.

Serviceable trucks

Widmer umzuege uses serviceable trucks that will not break down on the road. They equally maintain the trucks on a regular basis so that they can always be available function as desired. They have up to six trucks, and each of them is large enough to contain a large number of items at once. If one truck cannot contain the items, they can provide additional trucks without delay.

Aside from the six serviceable trucks, they also have one relocation lift and two trailers.  This means they are adequately equipped to move your items to any part of Switzerland and across the border to places like France, Germany and others.

Furthermore, they have connections with several other moving companies in Bern and other cities in Switzerland; they can get in touch with these other service providers if they need additional trucks to move your items. So, you have nothing to worry about when you patronize Widmer umzuege for your moving needs.  The varieties of trucks in their possession mean they can easily handle both large and small moves correctly.

Flexible services

Widmer umzuege can report anywhere you want them to be at any time. Just tell them where you want to transport the goods to, and they will be there on time. They are ever ready to meet your needs any time you want. They can plan their time to meet perfectly with your timetable.  They will be on hand to move your belongings at any time that is convenient for you. They are always prompt in reporting at the agreed location. They do not waste time or fail in delivering top quality services.

Ability to handle challenges

Moving items down or up the stairs can be time-consuming and challenging. However, the movers at widmer transporte are up to the task. They always move the items carefully and cautiously so that they will not suffer damages while being moved.  They can move your items successfully so that no dent or scratch will ever come up on them.

They equally have furniture lift that can be used in moving the items to avoid damage you can transport the furniture through the windows using the furniture lift. Consequently, they will not have to move the furniture items down the stairs, which will expose them to damage.

3 mins read