Facts About Open Electricity Market Retailers
1 min read

Facts About Open Electricity Market Retailers

An open electricity market is for all the residential and business consumers which enables them to buy the electricity from a retailer at the price which suffices the need. This allows you to make more choices and flexibility when you are buying electricity from open electricity market retailers.

When you are buying electricity from open electricity market retailers then you get a choice of buying electricity. You get a choice of buying electricity at the retailer’s price which is the best plan that will meet your needs. If you want to know more about the facts of the open electricity market then it is mentioned in this article below.

The facts that you should know

  • It is not mandatory that you should switch to a retailer for buying the electricity. You may continue buying the electricity from the previous source at the regulated tariff.
  • There is no deadline for switching to an open electricity market. You can take your own time to learn about the options of electricity before you decide to switch.
  • The electricity will be supplied the same way regardless of whom you buy from. This is because the national power grid will deliver electricity to everyone.
  • You will be able to use rebates if you are eligible for them. You can use them to offset the electricity bill.
  • Switching over the open electricity market is very easy. The retailer can directly work with the previous source of electricity for allowing you to switch.

These are the facts that you should keep in mind for switching to an open electricity market.