19 Apr, 2024

Apex Legends Best Practices for Beginners

If you want another battle royale game with a fusion of elements from different genres and progression system, Apex Legends is the thing for you. In fact, the game is so popular that it surpassed over 25 million players – by the end of its first week.

Basically, the game starts with sixty players pitted against each other on an island. The players will be divided into squads of three. The squad’s goal is to scavenge for weapons and other resources so they can fight other squads. The play area will slowly get smaller until one squad remains thereby ending the match.

Before you consider apex legends cheats, you should know the best practices. Here are some you need to consider for better gameplay:

Think about landing far

If you do not want to land right into the action, you should try staying in the dropship longer. This way, you will land on the outskirts of the map.

Split during landing

You should stay close to your teammates when you land – but not too close. If you land in an area with few buildings, try to wander a little toward other buildings so the team will not fight over the same loot.

Learn how to Ping

The Legends give good callouts. This means that if you spot an enemy, you can call the team out – especially if you are being shot at. The Ping System is useful to convey information to your team discreetly.

Slow down

Apex Legends has a slower style of play, unlike other battle royale games. With this, you should spend time building up a decent inventory of gear and weapons. Do not rush so you can ensure that nearby areas are scouted properly.

Familiarise Item colors

By learning the colors for Item rarity and ammo, you can move through the buildings faster. For instance, Item colors include Grey (Common), Blue (Rare), Purple (Epic) and Yellow or Gold (Legendary).

apex legends aimbot

As for the ammo, colors include Lime Green (Energy Ammo), Teal or Blue (Heavy Rounds), Red (Shotgun Shells), and Orange (Light Rounds). Remember to prioritise rare items and pick the corresponding ammo.

Understand in-game currencies

Remember that the keys to new characters and skins are currencies and microtransactions. In the game, there are three different currencies with different uses – Crafting Metals, Legend Tokens, and Apex Coins or apex legends free coins.

  • Crafting Metals: if you open Apex Packs, you get Crafting Metals. Every skin costs the same amount of Crafting Metals. Technically, this is free because you earn Apex Packs just by playing the game. However, you can choose to purchase Apex Packs with real money if you want to get more quickly.
  • Legend Tokens: this is a free currency. You can earn this for every match that you play. Legend Tokens can unlock store-exclusive cosmetics and characters. As a beginner, you can unlock six of the eight characters. The remaining two (Caustic and Mirage) can be unlocked with Legend Token or by using real-world money. These characters cost 12,000 Legend Tokens.
  • Apex Coins: Apex coins are considered the real-money microtransaction currency. You can buy 1,000 Apex Coins for $9.99. If you consider expensive bundles like 2,150 (for $19.99) or 4,350 (for $39.99) you can get bonus Apex Coins. You use this to buy loot items. For those who want more, apex legends hack is considered.

Think about other options

If you are thinking about apex legends hack tool, it is time that you consider https://games04.com/are-you-looking-for-a-way-to-generate-additional-coins/. You must be aware that there are many boosts, items to purchase and things to unlock in Apex Legends. By considering hack tools, it can give you a head start. Here are some tools you need to pay attention to:

  • Aimbot: Apex Legends is a game of survival. With this, apex legends aimbot can come in handy. With aimbot, it can automatically direct your guns, shoot, track targets and collect lots of kills. It is preferred by most because it offers tons of damage regardless of the gun and the range.
  • Wallhack: wallhacks allow the players to see enemies, loot chests, items, explosives and other important things through the walls. This tool will not remove the element of fun because you still need to aim manually.
  • Free coins: if your goal is to increase in-game currency, apex legends coins hack is the key. This will allow you to fight with the best teams in the world. With coins, you can also customise the look of your Legend.

Final words

Apex Legends is a relatively new game only released early this year but it already gained a massive following. This means you need many things to remember in terms of gameplay and many competitions to overthrow. Whether or not you use apex legends cheat for coins, you should focus more on practicing to be a better player.

5 mins read